## This cell just imports necessary modules
import numpy as np 
import plotly.graph_objs as go
# This cell shows a function that can plot vectors using the Scatter3d() in plotly. 
#In the plots the vectors have a big point to mark the direction.

def vector_plot(tvects,is_vect=True,orig=[0,0,0]):
    """Plot vectors using plotly"""

    if is_vect:
        if not hasattr(orig[0],"__iter__"):
            coords = [[orig,np.sum([orig,v],axis=0)] for v in tvects]
            coords = [[o,np.sum([o,v],axis=0)] for o,v in zip(orig,tvects)]
        coords = tvects

    data = []
    for i,c in enumerate(coords):
        X1, Y1, Z1 = zip(c[0])
        X2, Y2, Z2 = zip(c[1])
        vector = go.Scatter3d(x = [X1[0],X2[0]],
                              y = [Y1[0],Y2[0]],
                              z = [Z1[0],Z2[0]],
                              marker = dict(size = [0,5],
                                            color = ['blue'],
                              name = 'Vector'+str(i+1))

    layout = go.Layout(
             margin = dict(l = 4,
                           r = 4,
                           b = 4,
                           t = 4)
    fig = go.Figure(data=data,layout=layout)


Mathematics Methods 1

This notebook will illustrate how to apply the maths discussed in the lecture using Python.

In these notebooks, we will adopt the following prefix convention when naming variables:

's' (e.g. sDotProduct) means the variable is a scalar
'v' (e.g. vCrossProduct) means the variable is a vector
'm' (e.g. mA) means the variable is a matrix
# Let's define two vectors, by listing their components
vA = [1, 2, 1]
vB = [-1, 1, 0]

# Convert vA and vB from a list to an array so we can use numpy 
# to perform vector operations on them.
vA = np.array(vA)
vB = np.array(vB)

print("Plot of vA (blue) and vB (red)")
Plot of vA (blue) and vB (red)

Null vector#

Slide 9

# vNull is the null vector (a vector of all zeros,
# created using the zeros function)
vNull = np.zeros(3)
print("The null vector is: ", vNull)
The null vector is:  [0. 0. 0.]

Vector equality#

Slide 9

# Here we compare vectors vA and vB. This is done element-by-element.
# The .all() function allows us to check that the elements of vA.
# are ALL equal to those of vB. In other words, vA[i] == vB[i] for i = 1, 2, 3
   print("Vectors vA and vB are equal")
   print("Vectors vA and vB are NOT equal")
Vectors vA and vB are NOT equal

Multiplication of a vector by a scalar#

Slide 9

print("2*vA = ", 2*vA)
print("10*vB = ", 10*vB)

print("Plot of 2*vA (blue) and 10*vB (red)")
2*vA =  [2 4 2]
10*vB =  [-10  10   0]
Plot of 2*vA (blue) and 10*vB (red)

Vector addition and subtraction#

Slide 10

print("vA + vB = ", vA + vB)
print("vA - vB = ", vA - vB)

print("Plot of vA + vB (blue) and vA - vB (red)")
vector_plot([vA + vB,vA - vB])
vA + vB =  [0 3 1]
vA - vB =  [2 1 1]
Plot of vA + vB (blue) and vA - vB (red)

Vector magnitude#

Slide 7

Compute the magnitude (i.e. Euclidean/L2 norm) of vectors vA and vB (to 3 significant figures). There are many ways to do this in Python. Try using the sqrt and dot functions (see below) to achieve the same result.

sMagnitude_vA = np.linalg.norm(vA, ord=2)
sMagnitude_vB = np.linalg.norm(vB, ord=2)
print("Magnitude of vector vA is %.3f" % sMagnitude_vA)
print("Magnitude of vector vB is %.3f" % sMagnitude_vB)
Magnitude of vector vA is 2.449
Magnitude of vector vB is 1.414

Dot product#

Slide 15

Remember: the dot product of two vectors always returns a scalar

sDotProduct_vAvB = np.dot(vA,vB)
print("The dot product of vA and vB is %.3f" % sDotProduct_vAvB)
The dot product of vA and vB is 1.000

Angle between two vectors#

Slide 18

# NOTE: arccos is inverse cos
sTheta = np.arccos(sDotProduct_vAvB/(sMagnitude_vA*sMagnitude_vB))
print("The angle between vA and vB is %.3f radians (or %.3f degrees)" 
      % (sTheta, sTheta*(180/np.pi)))
The angle between vA and vB is 1.278 radians (or 73.221 degrees)

Cross product#

Slide 19

Remember: the cross product of two vectors always returns another vector. We could use np.cross:

print("The cross product of vA and vB is", np.cross(vA,vB))
The cross product of vA and vB is [-1 -1  3]

Alternatively, we could compute determinants as in slide 22:

# Remember: in Python, array indices always start from zero,
# so the x, y and z components have an index of 0, 1 and 2 respectively.
vCrossProduct = [ np.linalg.det([[vA[1], vA[2]],
                                [vB[1], vB[2]]]), 
              np.linalg.det([[vA[0], vA[2]],
                                [vB[0], vB[2]]]), 
              np.linalg.det([[vA[0], vA[1]],
                                [vB[0], vB[1]]]) ]

print("The cross product of vA and vB is", vCrossProduct)

print("Plot of vA (blue),vB (red) and the cross product of vA and vB (green)")
The cross product of vA and vB is [-1.0, 1.0, 3.0000000000000004]
Plot of vA (blue),vB (red) and the cross product of vA and vB (green)