Re-Os Decay
Re-Os Decay#
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# import relevant modules
import numpy as np
from math import log10, floor
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# create our own functions
# function to round a value to a certain number of significant figures
def round_to_n_sf(value, no_of_significant_figures):
value_rounded = round(value, no_of_significant_figures-1-int(floor(log10(abs(value)))))
if value_rounded == int(value_rounded):
value_rounded = int(value_rounded)
return value_rounded
Re-Os Decay System#
Most parent and daughter elements of long-lived radioactive decay systems are incompatible lithophile elements (
# Re-Os decay equation
# each return depends on what we want to find from the equation
def Re_Os_decay_equation(Os187_Os188_ratio, initial_Os187_Os188_ratio, Re187_Os187_ratio, t):
decay_const_Re = 1.64 * 10**-11 # yr^-1 # decay constant of Re-187
if Os187_Os188_ratio == '?':
return initial_Os187_Os188_ratio + Re187_Os187_ratio*(np.exp(decay_const_Re*t)-1)
elif initial_Os187_Os188_ratio == '?':
return Os187_Os188_ratio - Re187_Os187_ratio*(np.exp(decay_const_Re*t)-1)
elif Re187_Os187_ratio == '?':
return (Os187_Os188_ratio - initial_Os187_Os188_ratio)/(np.exp(decay_const_Re*t)-1)
Problem Set 6 - Question 2#
What is the
# Question 2
# Given values
Os187_Os188_ratio = 0.125 # present-day
Re187_Os187_ratio = 0.401 # present-day
t = 1 * 10**9 # yr
# calculate Lu176/Hf177 ratio
initial_Os187_Os188_ratio = Re_Os_decay_equation(Os187_Os188_ratio, '?', Re187_Os187_ratio, t) # at t = 1 Gyr
# print answer
print("The intial Os-187/Os-188 ratio (1 Gya) of the Os grain is %g." % round_to_n_sf(initial_Os187_Os188_ratio, 6))
The intial Os-187/Os-188 ratio (1 Gya) of the Os grain is 0.118369.
Lecture slide and Practical for Lecture 6 of the High-Temperature Geochemistry module